
Meta supports a wide variety of platform and song sources. In the list below you can see everything Meta supports. The name, the search prefix, which is the prefix you can use to search specifically for a song on this platform, e.g. sp:never gona give you up to search on spotify and if it's a native source. Native source means that the tracks and songs are getting looked up and stream through the platform itself. For example when playing a spotify track the bot gets all the information from spotify but actually streams the audio itself from YouTube.

Name Search Prefix Native


yt: True


sc: True


tw: True


sp: False

Youtube Playlist

pl: True

Meta Playlist

mt: Depends


requires link True


requires link True


requires link True


Meta has a build in API to control the music and get information about guilds, playlists or the user in general. This API is used by the native WebApp, however also allows the integration of 3rd party software. To see every route and data response check here.