
Meta versions are based on the semantic versioning scheme. This means they are ordered like Major.Minor.Patch. In the case of Meta major patches are patches who generally change the behaviour and operation of Meta. This can be backend and frontend changes. Minor changes are changes to the commands of Meta or additional functions to the Webapp and patches well are bug fixes and patches.
Versions before 1.0 might not exactly follow this pattern as it wasn't introduced yet.

Changelog 2.0.3#


Fixed issue where the bot wouldn't work on new guilds.
Fixed track settings in WebApp.

Changelog 2.0.2#


Fixed Spotify links from Windows desktop app.

Changelog 2.0.1#


Fixed YouTube playback.
Fixed pause issue in WebApp.
Fixed handling of none existing DJs.

Changelog 2.0.0#


Bot got a complete redesign and became oversimplified. This design follows through on the new WebApp and new HomePage.
Added some more music sources.
Because a lot have changed it might be, that some of the changes aren't highlighted in this Changelog.


Removed lyrics command to show lyrics.
Removed server infinity command to enable or disable infinity playback if a spotify song is in the playlist.
Removed resume.
Renamed back to previous.
Renamed repeat1 to repeatsong.
Changed function of pause (now toggles if the track is paused or not).
Added dj add neutral.
Added dj remove neutral.
Added the option to set everyone as a neutral DJ.
Added server channel set and server channel remove


Rewritten from scratch.
Redesigned from scratch.
Now uses Solid.js as JavaScript framework.
Now renders completely client side, making it a lot more responsive.
So if you disliked the old WebApp because of the locks, please check it out again.


Rewritten from scratch.
Redesigned from scratch.
Now uses MkDocs.


Created a public API for everyone to use for free (if someone wants to write programs for the Meta bot).

Internal Changes:#

Ditched Lavalink and created own custom library.
Bot became a complete code overhaul.

Why took the update so long?:#

Well rewriting basically everything and learning the programming language Java to create a custom music system takes a lot of time. I also had a lot of trial and error, before deciding on the current infrastructure and library's used by Meta.
But mainly laziness, work and other stuff.

A word about the future of Meta:#

As of the last changelog I wanted to stop updating Meta, then however decided that I at least perfect the bot before doing so. Therefor I toke the time rewriting and updating a lot of Meta's code.
I might also add voice commands as I promised last year, because now I have a system in place with my custom libraries which would support such things. However, for now I plan to only do bugfixes if needed.

Changelog 1.0.0#


Added spotify as a search engine for the play command.
Added lyrics command to show lyrics.
Added server infinity command to enable or disable infinity playback if a spotify song is in the playlist.
Added server 24h command to enable or disabled 24h mode.
Added server fallback command to enable or disable YouTube search fallback if you search with something else then YouTube.
Added server experimental command to enable or disable experimental sources. (outdated)


Added support to set the default search engine.
Added lyrics tab.
Added the option to disable the media keys' notification.


Added support for search highlighting.
Added changelog tab.
Added blogpost tab.

Internal Changes:#

Removed the spotify library.
Changed from 3 to 4.
Changed to Discord API v10.

A word about the future of Meta:#

As some of you might have noticed there was a big gap between this and the last changelog so what is going on?
Well I planned to stop updating Meta as I progressed to new projects and I still plan to. This doesn't mean that Meta stops working but rather that there won't be any new features added to Meta. If however someone directly points out a feature I might add it anyway and bug fixes are still a thing if someone discovers one (very likely). Also, if someone wants to continue developing Meta, some sourcecode or just general help with bot programming you can DM me.

What update is still coming to Meta?
I really want to rewrite the Webapp, allowing me to host the Webapp as its on process instead of the current solution, where the webapp takes up resources from Meta. This update also implements a usable API for Meta meaning that someone could write their own Webapp or also Overwolf plugins, Android App etc. (I DON'T PLAN TO DO THIS, but it would be possible then for everyone)
Another feature im currently working on is the implementation of a voice system. This would allow me to let Meta react to voice commands, like Alexa or Siri does. But im uncertain if I can even pull it off.

Changelog 0.10.0#

Why is there a new version of Meta?#

For everyone who is curious my main account called Jet was disabled by discord. Why? I don't know the truth is discord just goes out and disables accounts randomly there are official discord forums complaining about it and a lot of other people got their accounts randomly disabled. If you now think why didn't I get my account back when it was disabled wrongly? Well discord doesn't have a support team, and you will only get an email back stating that your account got disabled. So no way to get your account back and now after some time they just deleted my account which means Meta also got deleted.

Update 0.10 why not 1.0?#

While I loved to do a Version 1.0 update this isn't the right time. First of the update is rushed and couldn't be tested to its final form because of the upper mentioned issues. Also, Meta now runs on pycord instead of because got deactivated, and it was time to switch to an alternative. Ths means that its very likely some bugs might appear, which I don't want in the 1.0 Version.

What will happen to the support server?#

The support server will stay however I cant post anymore in changelog so every new changelog will be uploaded in another channel. At some point I might create a new support server.

Internal Changes:#

Changed owner of Meta.
Changed from to py-cord.
Removed discord-components.

Changelog 0.9.0#


Changed search command to use buttons.
Changed help command to use buttons.

Meta Channel:#

Changed from reactions to buttons.

Internal Changes:#

Changed the logic behind song repeat.
Improved equalizer consistency.

Changelog 0.8.5#


Changed the permissions needed for server commands from admin to manage server.
Changed the permissions needed for channel commands to also need channel editing permissions.

Internal Changes:#

Improved Spotify speed. This means around 12 seconds for 500 tracks.

Changelog 0.8.4#

Bug Fixes:#

Fixed Spotify system, however it got a bit slower.

Changelog 0.8.3#

Internal Changes:#

Improved the Spotify loading system. Now it won't cause freezing of the whole bot.

Changelog 0.8.2#

Bug Fixes:#

Fixed Meta Equalizer. Had a bug where a track got added again when using the equalizer in rapid succession.
Fixed an issue where the WebApp got unusable if you log in while Meta updates.

Internal Changes:#

Changed from 1.7 to 2.0a.
Changed from ubuntu to debian (no one cares).

Changelog 0.8.1#


Added Spotify login support.

Internal Changes:#

Changed spotify library.
Added Meta to

Changelog 0.8.0#


Added equalizer to change the equalizer.
Added server equalizer to change the server wide equalizer.
Added server equachange to allow changing the equalizer by every DJ.


Added equalizer tab.
Added search suggestions.

Internal Changes:#

Improved Spotify loading by 6 times.

Changelog 0.7.0#


Added support to search servers.
Improved playlist editing to make it easier.
Improved the search of YouTube playlist to show a list of playlists and not the all tracks of the first playlist.
Improved user experience.

Bug Fixes:#

Fixed login issue with
Fixed bugs in playlist system.

Changelog 0.6.2#


Added support for navigation with Tab.
Added support to store the previous place after new login. Also stores the place of a link.

Changelog 0.6.1#


Added server color to set the server color.
Added server embed to set a custom embed.


Improved the title of the WebApp to get automatically updated.
Improved the reloading of the HTML so no outdated HTML gets reloaded.

Changelog 0.6.0#


Added dj neutral (outdated)
Added dj value (outdated)
Added dj type (outdated)
Added save to save the queue.
Added server repeat to set a server wide repeat.
Added server shuffle to set a server wide shuffle.


Added own theme.
Added button to save queue.

Bug Fixes:#

Fixed eject, now even works when no song is being played.
Fixed volume change not working when no Meta channel was set.

Internal Changes:#

Changed database from Json files to MongoDB

Changelog 0.5.2#


Added support for media keys in chromium based browsers.

Bug Fixes:#

Fixed a lot (can't remember)

Changelog 0.5.1#


Improved back to now support every previous track.
Added search to search for tracks.

Changelog 0.5.0#


Added back to go to a previous track.
Added seek to seek in a track.
Added help metachannel to see help for the Meta channel.
Added server reset to reset server settings.

Meta Channel:#

Added to go to a previous track.
Added to seek 10 seconds backwards in a track.
Added to seek 10 seconds forwards in a track.
Added to skip a song.


Added server reset button.
Added previous, back, next, skip in the top bar.
Added previous page button.